
Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World

Preserving Dzogchen

Here is the first series of actions undertaken by the Dzogchen Today! project: preserving the tradition of the Great Perfection.



Transmission's Heart Essence

Transmission's Framework

Traditional Texts

Rituals' Transmission

Always be connected to the roots of Dzogchen

Preserving all aspects of the Dzogchen tradition is one of the three main missions of the Dzogchen Today!

Transmission's Heart Essence
The most precious treasure of Dzogchen. Its preservation is essential for the tradition to continue to be fully alive and to bring its benefits to as many beings as possible.
Traditional Texts
The preservation of fundamental texts, commentaries and writings on the practices is fundamental because they represent the second main support for the vitality of the tradition along with oral transmission.
Transmission Framework
The preservation of the framework of transmission concerns all the oral knowledge transmitted from generation to generation and giving all the crucial indications as much on the substance of the practice as on the form. It is the most difficult to preserve.
Rituals' Transmission
The preservation of rituals keeps the act of practicing the tradition alive and effective so that it can be passed on today. The traditional ritual of the Great Perfection may be less relevant today, but it is important to preserve it, at least in its original cultures.

The Dzogchen Today! Project connects with many places and individuals in Tibet, Bhutan, India… to help preserve the tradition of the Great Perfection.

How to Preserve Dzogchen today?

The question of preservation is extremely important today, for Dzogchen as for many other things. This can only be done in close collaboration with those who hold the tradition of the Great Perfection.

Nothing can be alive, grow and be of benefit if it has no roots.

Preserving to Adapt, Adapting to Share, Sharing to Preserve. This is the heart of the Dzogchen Today! project


If you think, as we do, that the great traditions have a role to play in helping us meet today’s challenges, don’t hesitate to write to us, and we will see together how best you can participate.

Some examples to get inspired

A Peaceful Grove of Fresh Blossoms

In this article Johanne talks about the qualities of a place that is conducive to retreat, to better observe one’s mind.

The Perfection that cuts through everything

“The Perfection that cuts through everything”, is a new translation from the Dzogchen Today! translation committee.

Me and Not-me walk the Path

In “Me and Not-me walk the path”, Grégoire offers some reflections on who really walks this path, and how long it might take.

The Pure and Perfect Mind, light of the three dimensions of existence

“The Pure and Perfect Mind, the Light of the Three Dimensions of Existence” by Nyak Jñanakumara is a new text translated by the Committee.

The Sublime Monarch

“The Sublime Monarch: King of the definitive concentration of the pure and perfect mind”, from the Dzogchen Today! translation committee.

Beyond Déjà Vu

In “Beyond Déjà Vu”, Denis tackles the illusory reality and the need for a path to tread even if everything is already perfect at the Base.