We are a group of Dzogchen practitioners whose goal is to share the benefits of this tradition with as many people as possible. Our action is based on three key words: PRESERVE – ADAPT – SHARE
Our Vision
To face the challenges of our time, we must evolve our thinking and become highly adaptable. We must also learn how to preserve ourselves and our world by becoming more clear-headed, balanced and responsible.
How to develop our own good in order to work for the common good is the fundamental vision of those working for the Dzogchen Today Project!
Our Action
The Dzogchen Today! project has the following missions: on the one hand to preserve this tradition for future generations, – on the other hand to adapt it to the challenges and needs of today’s society in the world, and finally to share it via different media adapted to everyone.
the way of living and seeing the world proposed by the Dzogchen tradition which is unique. It allows us to discover the depth and preciousness of our life and death. Preserve also the memory of the past by keeping alive the oral tradition.
the thousands of texts and commentaries bequeathed by the Dzogchen tradition by translating them and making them accessible to avoid their loss. Preserve the memory, by taking care of the objects bequeathed through the generations.
The Dzogchen Today! translation group is already at work and consists of 7 specialists whose main objective is to adapt the translation of the essential Dzogchen texts with a language that is truly current and adapted to our understanding.
The project also includes scientific research in the human sciences in order to study the historical, ethnological, sociological, anthropological, religious and artistic subtleties of the evolution of Dzogchen over the centuries and civilizations.
An important part of the Dzogchen Today! project is the publication of translated texts as well as texts and commentaries aimed at adapting the thought and practice of the Dzogchen tradition and spreading it in today’s world.
The Dzogchen Today! project has the ambition to make the traditional discourse evolve so that it corresponds to the contemporary mind and that it can match perfectly the needs of today. We do not want to freeze what cannot be frozen, but to develop a culture, a universe, which is constantly evolving to meet the rapidly changing conditions of today.
First, we want to adapt the traditional way of teaching Dzogchen to the Western way of thinking without losing a single drop of its fundamental essence.
Integrated practice in everyday life
No matter what day of the week or what time of day it is, Dzogchen practice can fit perfectly into any condition of our lives. We just need to know how to integrate it.
Face-to-face and distance workshops are held throughout the year to help us implement Dzogchen practice on a daily basis.
In meditation which is a continuous flow of staying in the state at all times and in every circumstance there is neither suppression nor production of dwelling and proliferation.
Garab Dorje
Whatever our activity, if we have the right concentration at the right time, everything becomes clear and limpid. The only thing is to know how to stay clear in the long run…
Whether it is during public teachings or in small groups, during collective practices or group exchanges, Dzogchen is shared, discussed and argued based on personal experience.
Dzogchen is also integrated out of the world, during stays in secluded places, which allows us to avoid the usual distraction and to go deeper in the discovery of what we really are. During these timeless moments, we understand the sharing in a different way.
La Sauveté
Dzogchen Today! is also a magnificent site in the South-West of France which will eventually house, once fully developed, all the activities of the project.
Development project
The Dzogchen Today! project is growing. It has a very good foundation, but needs to develop and grow little by little.
As the traditional Dzogchen teaching is adapted to new forms, the project needs teachers trained in the new forms of transmission.
The project is in its start-up phase, and an effort is currently being made to make it known and develop it internationally.
Site development
The main site that will host the Dzogchen Today! project is also under development. A lot of on-site activities need to be done for it to develop harmoniously.
Interested in the project?
Are you interested in everything you’ve just read? Do you want to get involved in the Dzogchen Today! project?
Do not hesitate, write to us, and we will see together the best way to participate.
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
This project gathers a ton of activities and possibilities which all have the same goal: to improve the knowledge and the freedom of the beings.