The Three Aphorisms

Written By Translation Committee
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“Three aphorisms that focus on the crucial points”
Prahevajra, Garab Dorje
ngo rang thog tu sprad
Meet your essential nature in the moment.
Thag gcig thog tu bcad
Be definitively certain of this single point.
gDeng grol thog tu bca’
Be directly assured of liberation.
Brief Commentary on “Three aphorisms that focus on the crucial points” by Dudjom Rinpoche.
1. ngo rang thog tu sprad
Shes pa so ma ‘di nyid rig pa rang gnas kyi ye shes su ngo rang thog tu sprad
2. Thag gcig thog tu bcad
‘khor ‘das kyi chos gang snang thams cad rig pa rang gi rtsal kho na las ma ‘das pas na rig pa gcig tu yo langs bskyang pa ‘di las gzhan med par thag gcig tu bcad
3. gDeng grol thog tu bca’
rnam rtog che phra gang shar thams cad rang ngo shes ma thag nas rig stong chos sku’i klong du shar grol du mnyam pa gdeng grol thog tu bca’ ba’o
Meet your essential nature in the moment
Meet in the moment your essential nature as the Primordial Knowledge, this natural and fresh knowledge of the instant, the Primordial Evidence.
Be definitively certain of this single point
Since everything that arises as the phenomena of cyclic wandering and its beyond cannot override the natural dynamics of the Primordial Evidence, there is nothing else but this: to preserve the unique flow of the Primordial Evidence. Be definitely certain of this single point.
Be directly assured of liberation
Whatever coarse or subtle thoughts appear, as soon as you recognize them naturally, equal in their emergence and liberation within the space of the Body of Reality – empty Primordial Evidence – be directly assured of liberation.
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